15799 Pennsylvania Avenue, State Line, PA 17263 Services: Sundays - 8:30 AM (In-Person) & 10:45 AM (In-Person & Online)

Women’s Ministry

Ladies Prayer Group
For: open to adult women
When: Every Tuesday @ 8:30 am
 Ladies Evening Bible Study
For: open to adult women

When: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Currently, the ladies bible study is going through Sheila Walsh’s new book “In the Middle of the Mess”. Beginning in January and going through March/April, there will be time each week to review the book and to discuss the questions that accompany that week. Lead by DuAnne Thrush.

For more information on any of these ministries, please contact:

Phone: 717·597·3807

Toll-free: 1·877·519·2547

Email: office@crossroadshagerstown.org

To fill out an info request form, please click here.