15799 Pennsylvania Avenue, State Line, PA 17263 Services: Sundays - 8:30 AM (In-Person) & 10:45 AM (In-Person & Online)

Children’s Ministry


For: Nursery (less than 1 year old), Toddlers (ages 2-3), & Preschool (ages 4-6)
When: Sunday mornings during each service (9:00 & 10:45 a.m.)
Where: Downstairs – Nursery and Preschool rooms
Ministry Leader: Hannah Gayman
Purpose: Nursery/Toddlers/Preschool is offered on Sunday Mornings in two separate rooms for children under 1 year old.  Toddler room consists of 2-3 years olds. Preschool room consists of 4-6 year olds. Nursery, Toddlers, and Preschool consists of a loving staff.

Elementary Class

For: Kids (1st-5th grade)
When: Sunday mornings (9:00 & 10:45 a.m.)
Where: Downstairs – 5DeepKids Room
Ministry Leader: Hannah Gayman
Purpose: Our elementary class is for children between first and fifth grade. We meet every Sunday morning during both services (9:00 and 10:45 a.m.).

For more information on any of these ministries, please contact:

Phone: 717·597·3807

Toll-free: 1·877·519·2547

Email: office@crossroadshagerstown.org

To fill out an info request form, please click here.